Partnering Together to Become a Debt-Free Ministry
The purpose of Principal Partnership is to partner together with God and each other to reduce the church mortgage principal in an effort to become debt-free. Your partnership will help free up funds in the future to apply to ministry efforts.
You can become a Principal Partner by giving weekly or monthly amounts over and above your regular tithes and offering. Give in person by marking your gift as “Principal Partners” or give online here by selecting “Mortgage Principal Reduction” and entering your gift. We will provide updates periodically to communicate the progress of our efforts.
Dear Church Family and Friends,As I reflect over the last several months, I can undoubtedly see where God has been with us and shown us His favor. He has blessed this house in many wonderful ways, and we give Him all the glory! One of our blessings is a beautiful and spacious facility to gather in for worship, service, discipleship, and reaching the harvest. Along with this blessing comes great responsibility, stewardship, and maintaining it with a spirit of excellence.
To strengthen the church's position financially, the Elder Board and I would like to reintroduce a program that many have faithfully supported over the years and introduce it to many in the church that are new and unaware. This program is called Principal Partners. The purpose of this program is to apply extra funds to the current mortgage principal to reduce the amount owed. This will help position the church for better terms when the time comes to refinance in a couple of years. It will also help reduce the debt as we seek to become debt-free, allowing us to free up funds and redirect them to more ministry efforts in the future.
How it works is simple. By partnering with one another and with God, those that can are asked to give an offering weekly, monthly, or yearly—no gift is too small or large—above their current tithe and offering and designate it to this program. It can be given online or in-person marked "Principal Partners." Whether you are able to participate in giving or not at this time, I would ask that we all make this effort a priority of prayer.
I certainly understand the current situation of our economy and the effects we are all feeling. In the natural, the timing of this program may not seem right, but I have learned that God does His best work in times like these. I have also learned that when we do what we can, God can do what we can't! I want to thank you for your faithfulness and generosity recently in supporting the work of the Lord here at Mount Holly Church. By partnering together and with God, there are no limits to what we can accomplish for His Kingdom!
As always, I will be transparent with you and report our progress in this endeavor. Please know that my family and I want the very best for Mount Holly Church. We love each of you very much, and Stephanie and I count it an honor to serve as your pastors.