The Last Giant

Pastor Jeff’s sermon focuses on the idea that, like the Israelites faced their final giant, we, too, have challenges standing between us and our goals. The last giant represents the danger of becoming complacent and losing our drive for God. Just as the Israelites were one giant away from the Promised Land, we may be one challenge away from our breakthrough.


Sermon Highlights & Key Points

  • The Concept of Giants

    The Israelites fought many giants, and Og was the last one they needed to defeat. Each giant symbolizes the challenges we face in life.

  • The Importance of Staying Alert

    Pastor Jeff emphasized not becoming lazy or “taking it easy.” Complacency can dull our passion for God and leave us vulnerable.

  • Spiritual Wake-up Call

    The enemy takes advantage when we let our guard down, leading to spiritual sleepiness.

  • Samson’s Example

    Samson lost his strength when he fell asleep in Delilah’s lap, showing that we can lose our spiritual power if we relax too much.

  • Encouragement for a Fresh Start

    Even if we’ve slacked off, there’s always a chance for a comeback. We can call on God for help and revival.

Key Scripture

  • Genesis 6 – This chapter discusses how angels interacted with humans, which led to the creation of giants in the land.

  • Amos 6 – This verse warns churchgoers against being too comfortable and not being aware of spiritual dangers.

  • Revelation 3 – God tells us that He wants us to be passionate about our faith and not just settle into being lukewarm.

  • Judges 16 – This chapter tells the story of Samson, who lost his strength when he relaxed too much and did not stay alert.

Discussion Questions

  • What giants (challenges) do you see in your life right now?

  • Do you ever feel like you’ve become spiritually asleep? What contributes to that feeling?

  • What lessons can we learn from Samson’s mistakes about staying spiritually strong?

  • How can we support friends or family who may be having trouble fighting their giants?

  • What steps can you take to reignite your passion for God daily?

Closing Thoughts, Challenge, and Prayer Prompt

Pastor Jeff reminds us that we don’t have to stay defeated by our giants. We need to stay alert, keep fighting, and not let complacency creep in. There’s always a chance to start fresh with God!

Challenge: Set aside time every day to pray, read your Bible, or reflect on your relationship with God. Identify one “giant” you want to confront and take steps to overcome it.

God, thank You for always being there for us. Help me to recognize the giants in my life and give me the strength to fight against complacency. Renew my passion for You and help me stay alert to Your call. Amen.


Lessons from the Valley